Lord of the Flies Book Summary | William Golding | Ratings & Review | 2023

Are you looking for a thrilling and thought-provoking novel to read? Then, “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding might just be the perfect fit for you! Published in 1954, this novel has become a classic in English literature, with its profound themes and captivating story that still resonates with readers today


“Lord of the Flies” is a novel that tells the story of a group of young British boys who are stranded on an uninhabited island after their plane crashes during a wartime evacuation. Left to their own devices, the boys struggle to survive and maintain order, eventually succumbing to their inner savage instincts

True Nature of Human : Are We Inherently Good, or Inherently Evil?

The true nature of human beings is a subject of debate and has been a topic of discussion for centuries. Some people believe that humans are inherently good, while others argue that humans are inherently evil.

Those who argue that humans are inherently good believe that people are born with an innate sense of compassion, kindness, and altruism. They argue that humans have an inherent desire to help others and to do what is right. They believe that it is society and external factors that corrupt individuals and lead them to engage in harmful or evil behaviors.

On the other hand, those who argue that humans are inherently evil believe that people are born with a natural inclination towards self-interest, greed, and aggression. They argue that it is society and external factors that teach individuals to behave in a moral and ethical manner.

Let’s dive deeply into this question through the help of novel’s story and try to uncover an answer that would satisfy our curiosity

Lord of the Flies Quotes

Lord of the Flies Characters

Here are some of the main characters in the book:

RalphThe novel’s protagonist and one of the oldest boys on the island
PiggyA chubby and intelligent boy who becomes Ralph’s closest advisor
JackThe antagonist of the novel and leader of a group of boys who become increasingly violent and tribal
SimonA quiet and introspective boy who has a spiritual connection to the island
Lord of the Flies Characters

Lord of the Flies Summary

“Lord of the Flies” is a novel by William Golding, first published in 1954. The story takes place during a fictional war and follows a group of British boys who are stranded on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean after their plane crashes.

The boys, who range in age from six to twelve, initially try to establish order and create a civilized society, with the elected leader Ralph attempting to maintain control and organize the group. However, conflicts arise as the boys struggle to survive, and a power struggle emerges between Ralph and the charismatic but violent Jack, who leads a group of hunters.

As time goes on, the boys become increasingly savage and barbaric, abandoning their former ideals and descending into a state of primal savagery. They begin to worship a pig’s head, which they dub “the Lord of the Flies,” and engage in ritualistic dances and sacrifices.

Eventually, the boys’ behavior becomes so violent and destructive that they kill one of their own and attempt to hunt down and kill Ralph. In the end, they are rescued by a passing naval officer, who is shocked by the boys’ behavior and the devastation that they have wrought upon the island.

The novel is often interpreted as an allegory for the inherent darkness and brutality of human nature, suggesting that even in the absence of external societal constraints, individuals will ultimately give in to their basest instincts

Key Takeaways of Lord of the Flies

Here are some key takeaways from the book:

The novel suggests that all humans have a natural capacity for violence and evil, and that this capacity is present even in children
The boys’ descent into savagery is in part due to the breakdown of the social norms and institutions that they are used to in their regular lives
As the boys become more savage, they begin to conform to the group’s norms and lose their individuality
Fear is a driving force in the novel, both in terms of the boys’ fear of the unknown and in terms of the fear that the boys use to control each other
Key Takeaways of Lord of the Flies

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Lord of the Flies Book Author

“Lord of the Flies” was written by William Golding, a British novelist and playwright. Golding was born in 1911 in Cornwall, England, and studied at Oxford University. He served in the Royal Navy during World War II, an experience that influenced his writing

Lord of the Flies Book Genre

“Lord of the Flies” is a work of literary fiction because it explores complex themes such as the inherent evil in human nature, the dangers of groupthink, and the importance of leadership and social institutions

Books Like Lord of the Flies

If you enjoyed reading “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding and are looking for similar books, here are some suggestions:

“Animal Farm” by George Orwell Link
“Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad Link
“The Beach” by Alex Garland Link
“The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins Link
Books Like Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies Review

“Lord of the Flies” is a haunting and timeless work of literary fiction that continues to be relevant today. Its exploration of human nature and the fragility of civilization make it a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the darker aspects of the human experience

Lord of the Flies Book Price In India

“Lord of the Flies” is available on Amazon India . The Price of the Novel is 279/- The price may vary depending on the format (e.g. paperback, hardcover, Kindle edition)

Lord of the Flies Book Price In U.S

“Lord of the Flies” is also available on Amazon U.S . The Price of the Novel is $9.99 The price may vary depending on the format (e.g. paperback, hardcover, Kindle edition)

Lord of the Flies Audiobook

Audiobook of “Lord of the Flies” is available on Audible.in. The price of this version is 949/- You can also find it on various audiobook platforms such as Google Play Books, and iTunes

Link of Audiobook : Lord of the Flies


“Lord of the Flies” is a classic novel that still resonates with readers today, exploring profound themes and ideas that challenge our assumptions about civilization, morality, and the nature of humanity. Its vivid characters and gripping plot make it a timeless work of literature that is worth reading and reflecting upon


What is the main message of “Lord of the Flies”?

The main message of “Lord of the Flies” is the inherent evil in human nature and society. Golding suggests that, without the restraints of civilization and law, humans are capable of descending into savagery and cruelty

Why is “Lord of the Flies” considered a classic?

“Lord of the Flies” is considered a classic because of its profound themes, vivid characters, and gripping plot. It has been studied and analyzed by scholars and readers alike, becoming a timeless work of literature that still resonates with audiences today

What is the significance of the title “Lord of the Flies”?

The title “Lord of the Flies” is a translation of the Hebrew word Beelzebub, a name for Satan. It represents the evil and corruption that has taken hold of the boys and their descent into savagery and violence

What is the role of fear in “Lord of the Flies”?

Fear is a powerful force in “Lord of the Flies”, driving the boys’ actions and decisions and leading to tragic consequences. It represents the unknown and the supernatural forces that seem to haunt the island and the boys’ primal, savage instincts

Who is the protagonist of “Lord of the Flies”?

The protagonist of “Lord of the Flies” is Ralph, a natural leader who tries to maintain order and reason among the boys. He represents the forces of civilization and reason, struggling against the boys’ descent into savagery