Brave New World Book Summary | Aldous Huxley | Ratings & Review | 2023

Are you curious about the story of “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley? This dystopian novel depicts a future society where humans are genetically engineered and conditioned to conform to a rigid social hierarchy


Published in 1932, “Brave New World” is a classic dystopian novel set in a future society where people are conditioned to be happy and obedient. The novel explores the dangers of a society that prioritizes happiness and stability over individuality and freedom. Through vivid descriptions of a world where technology and science are used to control every aspect of life, Huxley warns readers of the dangers of sacrificing individuality for the sake of a stable society

Do You The Cost of Happiness ?

Happiness is a subjective experience and its cost can vary depending on individual preferences and circumstances. Some factors that have been associated with happiness include good health, fulfilling relationships, meaningful work, financial stability, and a sense of purpose or belonging.

The costs of pursuing these factors can also vary widely. For example, maintaining good health may require regular exercise, a healthy diet, and medical expenses. Building and maintaining relationships may require time, effort, and sometimes financial resources. Pursuing meaningful work or education may require investments of time, energy, and money. Achieving financial stability may involve budgeting, saving, and making wise financial decisions.

Let’s dive deeply into this question through the help of novel’s story and try to uncover an answer that would satisfy our curiosity

Brave New World Quotes

Brave New World Book Characters

Here are some of the key characters in the book:

Bernard Marx A member of the ruling class who feels disillusioned with the society’s values and seeks a sense of individuality
Lenina CrowneA young woman who works in the society’s reproductive and pleasure industries
JohnA “Savage” from a reservation outside the society who becomes a symbol of the novel’s theme of individuality and the conflict between nature and technology
Mustapha MondA member of the ruling class who serves as one of the main antagonists of the story
Brave New World Book Characters

Brave New World Summary

“Brave New World” is a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley, published in 1932. The book is set in a future society where citizens are genetically engineered and conditioned to conform to a rigid social order. The story follows the journey of Bernard Marx, a member of the ruling class who becomes disillusioned with the society’s values and seeks a sense of individuality.

As the story unfolds, Bernard meets Lenina Crowne, a young woman who works in the society’s reproductive and pleasure industries. Lenina embodies the society’s values of promiscuity and pleasure-seeking, but she becomes conflicted when she falls in love with Bernard. The two embark on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion against the society’s control.

Along the way, they encounter John, a “Savage” from a reservation outside the society who becomes a symbol of the novel’s theme of the conflict between nature and technology. John struggles to adapt to the society’s rigid social order and ultimately rejects it, leading to a tragic conclusion.

Throughout the book, Huxley explores themes of individuality, conformity, control, and the conflict between nature and technology. He portrays a world where citizens are conditioned to value stability and efficiency over personal freedom and creativity, ultimately leading to a dehumanizing society.

Key Takeaways of Brave New World

Here are some key takeaways from the book:

The book portrays a culture where citizens are conditioned to value material possessions and pleasure over personal relationships and spiritual growth
The book explores the conflict between nature and technology and the consequences of trying to control and manipulate nature
The book highlights the importance of individuality and the dangers of conformity
The book portrays a future society that is highly advanced in terms of technology, but at the same time deeply flawed
Key Takeaways of Brave New World

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Brave New World Book Author

Aldous Huxley was the author of “Brave New World,” a dystopian novel published in 1932. Huxley was born in England in 1894 and was a prolific writer, known for his works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry

Brave New World Book Genre

“Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley is a dystopian novel, which is a genre of literature that explores imagined societies that are often totalitarian and oppressive. In dystopian novels, the protagonists often rebel against the controlling society and struggle to maintain their individuality and freedom in the face of oppressive systems of government or social order

Books Like Brave New World

If you enjoyed “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, here are some other books in the dystopian genre that you may enjoy:

“The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood Link
“We” by Yevgeny Zamyatin Link
“The Giver” by Lois Lowry Link
“1984” by George Orwell Link
Books Like Brave New World

Brave New World Review

“Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley is a dystopian novel that has become a classic of 20th-century literature. The novel portrays a future society in which citizens are conditioned to conform to a rigid social order, leading to a lack of personal freedom and creativity

Brave New World Book Price In India

“Brave New World” is available on Amazon India . The Price of the Novel is 329/- The price may vary depending on the format (e.g. paperback, hardcover, Kindle edition)

Brave New World Book Price In U.S

“Brave New World” is also available on Amazon U.S . The Price of the Novel is $10.34 The price may vary depending on the format (e.g. paperback, hardcover, Kindle edition)

Brave New World Audiobook

Audiobook of “Brave New World” is available on The price of this version is 702/- You can also find it on various audiobook platforms such as Google Play Books, and iTunes

Link of Audiobook : Brave New World


“Lord of the Flies” is a classic novel that still resonates with readers today, exploring profound themes and ideas that challenge our assumptions about civilization, morality, and the nature of humanity. Its vivid characters and gripping plot make it a timeless work of literature that is worth reading and reflecting upon


What is the main message of “Lord of the Flies”?

The main message of “Lord of the Flies” is the inherent evil in human nature and society. Golding suggests that, without the restraints of civilization and law, humans are capable of descending into savagery and cruelty

Why is “Lord of the Flies” considered a classic?

“Lord of the Flies” is considered a classic because of its profound themes, vivid characters, and gripping plot. It has been studied and analyzed by scholars and readers alike, becoming a timeless work of literature that still resonates with audiences today

What is the significance of the title “Lord of the Flies”?

The title “Lord of the Flies” is a translation of the Hebrew word Beelzebub, a name for Satan. It represents the evil and corruption that has taken hold of the boys and their descent into savagery and violence

What is the role of fear in “Lord of the Flies”?

Fear is a powerful force in “Lord of the Flies”, driving the boys’ actions and decisions and leading to tragic consequences. It represents the unknown and the supernatural forces that seem to haunt the island and the boys’ primal, savage instincts

Who is the protagonist of “Lord of the Flies”?

The protagonist of “Lord of the Flies” is Ralph, a natural leader who tries to maintain order and reason among the boys. He represents the forces of civilization and reason, struggling against the boys’ descent into savagery