The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Book Summary | Robin Sharma | Ratings & Review | 2023

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a book written by Robin Sharma that has become a classic in the field of personal development. This book tells the story of a successful lawyer, Julian Mantle, who one day realizes that his life has become empty and meaningless. He decides to sell all of his possessions, including his prized Ferrari, and embark on a journey of self-discovery to the Himalayan Mountains.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Book


The book begins with the introduction of Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer who is at the top of his game. However, despite his professional success, Julian realizes that his life has become empty and meaningless. He suffers from stress, anxiety, and physical illness, and he knows that something needs to change.

Message of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ?

The main message of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is that true fulfillment and happiness come from within, and can be achieved through a conscious and intentional way of living. The book emphasizes the importance of mastering one’s mind, following one’s purpose, and living with discipline and self-awareness. It encourages readers to prioritize their time, prioritize their relationships, and practice selfless service to others. Ultimately, the book teaches that the present moment is all we have, and that by fully embracing it and living in alignment with our deepest values and goals, we can experience a profound sense of meaning and purpose in our lives

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Summary

The Journey Begins

Julian decides to take a sabbatical from his law practice and embarks on a journey to the Himalayan Mountains in search of a more meaningful life. He meets a group of monks who teach him the secrets of a fulfilling life, including the importance of mindfulness, meditation, and living in the present moment.

The Seven Virtues of Enlightened Living

The monks teach Julian about the Seven Virtues of Enlightened Living, which include:

  1. Master Your Mind
  2. Follow Your Purpose
  3. Practice Kaizen
  4. Live with Discipline
  5. Respect Your Time
  6. Selflessly Serve Others
  7. Embrace the Present

Master Your Mind

The first virtue that Julian learns about is the importance of mastering his mind. The monks teach him that the mind is like a garden, and it needs to be tended to regularly. Julian learns about the power of positive affirmations, visualization, and the law of attraction.

Follow Your Purpose

The second virtue that Julian learns about is the importance of following his purpose in life. The monks teach him that everyone has a unique purpose, and it is important to discover what that purpose is and live in alignment with it.

Practice Kaizen

The third virtue that Julian learns about is the importance of practicing Kaizen, or continuous improvement. The monks teach him that small, consistent actions over time can lead to great results.

Meaning of Kaizen

Live with Discipline

The fourth virtue that Julian learns about is the importance of living with discipline. The monks teach him that discipline is the key to success in any area of life, whether it is personal or professional.

Respect Your Time

The fifth virtue that Julian learns about is the importance of respecting his time. The monks teach him that time is the most valuable resource that we have, and it is important to use it wisely.

Selflessly Serve Others

The sixth virtue that Julian learns about is the importance of selflessly serving others. The monks teach him that true fulfillment comes from helping others and making a positive impact in the world.

Embrace the Present

The seventh and final virtue that Julian learns about is the importance of embracing the present moment. The monks teach him that life is happening right now, and it is important to savor every moment and live in the present.

The Return Home

After spending several years in the Himalayan Mountains, Julian returns home a changed man. He is healthier, happier, and more fulfilled than ever before. He shares his newfound wisdom with his former law partner, John, and teaches him the secrets of a fulfilling life.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Quote

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Quote

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Author

The author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is Robin Sharma, a Canadian writer, leadership expert, and motivational speaker. Sharma has written over 15 books on leadership, personal growth, and spirituality, and is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on these subjects. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is one of Sharma’s most popular and widely-read books, and has been translated into over 50 languages. The book has sold millions of copies worldwide and has become a classic in the fields of personal growth and self-help. Through his writing and speaking, Sharma has inspired countless individuals to live more purposeful and fulfilling lives, and has become an influential figure in the world of personal growth and leadership development

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Pages

The length of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari varies depending on the edition and format of the book. The original edition of the book, published in 1997, is 198 pages long. However, there are many newer editions of the book that include additional content, such as forewords, introductions, and bonus materials. These editions can range from around 200 to 250 pages in length

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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Review

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has received a wide range of reviews, with many readers praising the book for its inspiring message and practical insights. Many readers have found the book to be transformative and life-changing, helping them to find greater purpose and meaning in their lives. Others have appreciated the book’s accessible writing style and the way that it presents complex spiritual concepts in a clear and straightforward manner.

However, some readers have criticized the book for being overly simplistic or formulaic, and for presenting ideas that are not backed up by scientific evidence. Others have found the book to be too “New Age” or mystical for their taste, and have questioned the validity of some of the book’s claims

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Price In India

The price of the book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” in India varies depending on the edition and format. The paperback edition is typically priced between INR 159/- on Amazon India, while the hardcover edition can cost between INR 200/-.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Price In U.S

The paperback version of the book was priced at around $12 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The hardcover version was priced at around $9.89 on Amazon United States

Audiobook of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The audiobook of Audiobook of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is available on Audible for $14.95. It is narrated by the author, Robin Sharma, and has a runtime of 4 hours and 33 minutes

Link of Audiobook : The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a powerful book that teaches readers about the importance of living a fulfilling life. By following the Seven Virtues of Enlightened Living, readers can learn how to master their minds, follow their purpose

live with discipline, respect their time, selflessly serve others, and embrace the present moment. The book is a must-read for anyone who is looking to improve their lives and find greater meaning and purpose.


Is The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari a true story?

No, the book is a work of fiction, but it is based on the author’s personal experiences and the wisdom he has gained over the years

Who should read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari?

Anyone who is looking to improve their lives and find greater meaning and purpose should read this book

What are the Seven Virtues of Enlightened Living?

The Seven Virtues of Enlightened Living are Master Your Mind, Follow Your Purpose, Practice Kaizen, Live with Discipline, Respect Your Time, Selflessly Serve Others, and Embrace the Present

Can the lessons in the book be applied to any area of life?

Yes, the lessons in the book can be applied to any area of life, whether it is personal or professional