The Diary of a Young Girl Book Summary | Anne Frank | Ratings & Review | 2023

“The Diary of a Young Girl” is a book that was written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who lived in Amsterdam during World War II. The book is a compilation of Anne’s personal diary entries that she wrote between 1942 and 1944, while she and her family were in hiding from the Nazis


The Diary of a Young Girl is a book written by Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who lived in hiding during the Holocaust. The book is a compilation of her diary entries, written during the two years she spent in hiding with her family and four other people in a secret annex in Amsterdam.

How A Beautiful Life Turned Into A Nightmare For Anne Frank

Anne Frank’s life, which started out as a happy and beautiful one, turned into a nightmare during the Second World War. Anne was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929. Her family was Jewish and they moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1933 to escape persecution under Nazi rule in Germany

For over two years, Anne and her family lived in constant fear of being discovered by the Nazis. Despite the difficulties and cramped living conditions, Anne continued to write in her diary

However, in 1944, the Nazis discovered the hiding place and arrested everyone in the annex. Anne and her family were eventually sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Anne and her sister Margot both died in the camp in early 1945

The Diary of a Young Girl Summary

“The Diary of a Young Girl” is a literary work that consists of the personal journal entries of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who was forced into hiding with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in World War II . Through the journal entries, she gave lots of information about her situation in the annex, relationship etc. Let’s Discuss it individually

The Background of the Story

Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1929. Her family moved to Amsterdam in 1933, after Hitler came to power in Germany. In 1940, Germany invaded the Netherlands, and the Frank family went into hiding to avoid being sent to concentration camps. They lived in a secret annex behind a bookcase in her father’s office for two years before they were discovered and sent to concentration camps.

The Diary

Anne started writing her diary on her 13th birthday, just a few weeks before she went into hiding. The diary is a chronicle of her thoughts, feelings, and daily life in the annex. She wrote about the challenges of living in such close quarters with so many people, the fear of being discovered, and her dreams for the future.

The Diary of a Young Girl

Life in Hiding

Life in hiding was difficult for Anne and her family. They had to be quiet during the day so as not to alert the workers in the office below. They were only allowed to leave the annex at night, and even then, they had to be very careful. They had to rely on the kindness of a few friends who brought them food and other supplies.

Anne’s Relationships

Anne’s diary also reveals her relationships with the other people in the annex. She had a close relationship with her father, Otto Frank, and often confided in him. She also had a complicated relationship with her mother, who she felt didn’t understand her. She formed a close bond with Peter van Daan, the son of the other family in hiding with them.

The End

In August 1944, the annex was discovered by the Gestapo, and Anne and her family were sent to concentration camps. Anne and her sister Margot died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945, just weeks before the camp was liberated by Allied forces. Otto Frank was the only member of the family to survive the war.


Anne’s diary was published in 1947, and it has since become one of the most famous and widely read books in the world. It has been translated into more than 60 languages and has sold millions of copies. The diary is a testament to the human spirit and a reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust.

The Impact

The Diary of a Young Girl has had a profound impact on readers around the world. It has helped to educate people about the Holocaust and the atrocities committed by the Nazis. It has also inspired many young people to speak out against injustice and to fight for human rights.

Quote of Anne Frank

Quote of Anne Frank

Who Found Anne Frank’s Diary

Anne Frank’s diary was found by Miep Gies, a Dutch woman who worked for Anne’s father, Otto Frank. Miep Gies and her husband helped to hide the Frank family and four other Jews in a secret annex above Otto Frank’s business in Amsterdam during World War II. After the group was arrested by the Nazis in 1944, Miep Gies found Anne’s diary and kept it safe

Anne Frank Last Diary Entry

Anne Frank’s last diary entry was written on August 1, 1944, just a few days before she and her family were discovered and arrested by the Nazis. In her final entry, Anne wrote about her hope that she could start a new life after the war and her belief in the goodness of people

Anne Frank Original Diary Price

Anne Frank’s original diary is not for sale and is currently kept in the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Therefore, it does not have a market price. The diary is considered a priceless historical artifact and a powerful reminder of the impact of the Holocaust on the lives of millions of people

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The Diary of A Young Girl Review

The Diary of A Young Girl Review

“The Diary of a Young Girl” is a must-read for anyone interested in the human experience and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable hardship. It is a testament to the power of hope, courage, and the strength of the human spirit in even the darkest of times

The Diary of A Young Girl Price In India

The Diary of a Young Girl, also known as The Diary of Anne Frank, is a popular book that is available on Amazon India the price of the paperback version of the book on Amazon India was around INR 99

The Diary of A Young Girl Price In U.S

The price of “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank in the United States on Amazon U.S is $7.99, depending on the edition and format you choose

Audiobook of The Diary of A Young Girl

The audiobook version of “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank is available on . It is narrated by Selma Blair and has a runtime of approximately 12 hours and 22 minutes on the price of ‎₹199.00 to ₹820.00

Link of Audiobook : The Diary of A Young Girl


The Diary of a Young Girl is a heartbreaking account of life in hiding during the Holocaust. Anne’s diary is a powerful reminder of the horrors of the past and a call to action for the future. It is a book that everyone should read, and its message of hope and resilience is one that will never be forgotten.


What is The Diary of a Young Girl about?

The Diary of a Young Girl is a book written by Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who lived in hiding during the Holocaust. It is a compilation of her diary entries, written during the two years she spent in hiding with her family and four other people in a secret annex in Amsterdam

When was The Diary of a Young Girl published?

The Diary of a Young Girl was first published in 1947.

What is the significance of The Diary of a Young Girl?

The Diary of a Young Girl is a powerful reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust and has helped to educate people about the atrocities committed by the Nazis. It has also inspired many young people to speak out against injustice and to fight for human rights

How has The Diary of a Young Girl impacted the world?

The Diary of a Young Girl has been translated into more than 60 languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide. It has had a profound impact on readers, educating them about the Holocaust and inspiring them to fight for human rights