The Art of Happiness Book Summary | Dalai Lama | Ratings & Review | 2023

If you’re looking for an inspiring and informative book on the topic of happiness, then look no further than “The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler. This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding and achieving happiness in life, drawing on the wisdom of the Dalai Lama as well as the latest scientific research in the field. In this article, we’ll provide a detailed summary of “The Art of Happiness,” including key takeaways and insights that you can apply to your own life.

The Art of Happiness Book Summary

How “The Art of Happiness” Can Gift You The Depression Free Life ?

“The Art of Happiness” is a book co-authored by the Dalai Lama and psychiatrist Howard Cutler, which explores the Dalai Lama’s teachings on happiness and mental well-being. While the book does not promise a “depression-free life,” it does offer valuable insights and practical advice for cultivating happiness and reducing mental suffering.

One of the main themes of the book is the importance of cultivating inner peace and contentment, rather than seeking happiness solely through external circumstances or material possessions. The Dalai Lama teaches that true happiness comes from within, and that we can develop the capacity for happiness through practices like mindfulness, compassion, and gratitude.


Happiness is one of the most important goals in life, but it can also be one of the most elusive. In the introduction to “The Art of Happiness,” the authors explore why happiness is so important and why so many people struggle to achieve it. They argue that true happiness comes from within, and that it is possible to cultivate a sense of inner peace and joy regardless of external circumstances.

The Art of Happiness Author

The author of “The Art of Happiness” is the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, and American psychiatrist, Howard Cutler. The book was published in 1998 and is based on a series of conversations between the Dalai Lama and Dr. Cutler, where they discuss various aspects of happiness, including the nature of happiness, how to achieve it, and how to overcome obstacles to happiness. The book draws on Buddhist philosophy and psychology, as well as Dr. Cutler’s clinical experience

The Art of Happiness Summary

The Purpose of Life

In the Beginning of book “The Art of Happiness” explores the purpose of life and how it relates to happiness. The Dalai Lama argues that the ultimate purpose of life is to achieve happiness and inner peace, and that this is something that can be achieved by anyone regardless of their circumstances. The chapter also discusses the importance of compassion and altruism, and how helping others can contribute to our own happiness.

The Sources of Happiness

The authors explore the sources of happiness and how we can cultivate them in our lives. They argue that happiness comes from a combination of external factors such as wealth and success, as well as internal factors such as love, compassion, and inner peace. The chapter also discusses the importance of mindfulness and meditation in cultivating happiness.

The Sources of Happiness

Training the Mind for Happiness

Training the Mind for Happiness is all about training the mind for happiness. The authors argue that the mind is the key to happiness, and that we can train our minds to be more positive and resilient in the face of adversity. The chapter provides practical exercises for cultivating positive emotions and overcoming negative ones, as well as tips for developing a daily mindfulness practice.

The Power of Negative Emotions

The Power of Negative Emotions the authors explore the power of negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, and fear. They argue that these emotions are natural and unavoidable, but that we can learn to transform them into positive emotions such as compassion and love. The chapter provides practical exercises for dealing with negative emotions, as well as tips for cultivating positive emotions in our relationships with others.

The Four Noble Truths

This part of book introduces the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism and explores how they relate to happiness. The authors argue that suffering is an inherent part of life, but that it is possible to overcome it by understanding its causes and cultivating positive qualities such as compassion and wisdom. The chapter provides practical advice for applying the Four Noble Truths to our own lives.

The Importance of Compassion

Through this part the authors explore the importance of compassion in achieving happiness. They argue that compassion is not just an altruistic virtue, but is also essential for our own happiness and well-being. The chapter provides practical exercises for cultivating compassion, as well as tips for incorporating it into our daily lives.

Transforming Suffering

Transforming Suffering is all about transforming suffering into happiness. The authors argue that suffering is not just an inevitable part of life, but can also be a source of growth and transformation. The chapter provides practical exercises for transforming suffering into positive emotions such as compassion and love, as well as tips for developing a more positive outlook on life.

Finding Inner Peace

In this part, the authors explore the concept of inner peace and how it relates to happiness. They argue that inner peace is a state of mind that is characterized by calmness, clarity, and contentment. The chapter provides practical exercises for cultivating inner peace, as well as tips for developing a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Cultivating Love and Relationships

This part of the book focuses on the importance of love and relationships in achieving happiness. The authors argue that love is not just a feeling, but also an action that involves kindness, compassion, and generosity. The chapter provides practical exercises for cultivating love and compassion in our relationships, as well as tips for developing more fulfilling and meaningful connections with others.

The Art of Happiness at Work

In chapter 10, the authors explore the relationship between happiness and work. They argue that work can be a source of both fulfillment and stress, and that cultivating happiness in the workplace is essential for both personal and professional success. The chapter provides practical exercises for finding meaning and purpose in our work, as well as tips for cultivating positive relationships with colleagues and managers.

Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

This part is all about overcoming anxiety and depression, two of the most common mental health issues that can interfere with our happiness. The authors provide practical advice for identifying the causes of anxiety and depression, as well as tips for managing these conditions through mindfulness, meditation, and other techniques.

The Power of Choice

The final chapter of “The Art of Happiness” explores the power of choice in achieving happiness. The authors argue that we have the power to choose our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and that these choices can have a profound impact on our happiness and well-being. The chapter provides practical exercises for cultivating mindfulness and making positive choices in our daily lives.

The Art of Happiness Quotes

The Art of Happiness Quotes

If you chasing a long & productive life. Then after being aware of the art of happiness you should pursue learning for the art of work to acheive phenomenal results : THE SUBTLE ART OF NOT GIVING A F*CK BOOK

The Art of Happiness Book Review

As per the record of Amazon India

The best thing about this book is the way it blends the Dalai Lama’s teachings with Cutler’s insights as a psychiatrist. This makes the book accessible to a wide range of readers, from those interested in spirituality to those seeking practical advice on improving their mental health.

“The Art of Happiness” is a thought-provoking and insightful book that offers practical advice on how to cultivate happiness and inner peace.

The Art of Happiness Price In India

The price of “The Art of Happiness” book in India can vary depending on the edition, format, and seller. the paperback edition of the book was priced around ₹325/- on Amazon India

The Art of Happiness Price In U.S

The price of “The Art of Happiness” book in the U.S. can vary depending on the format, edition, and where you purchase it from. The paperback edition of the book was priced at around $12.79 on Amazon U.S

The Art of Happiness Ebook

The price of The Art of Happiness ebook $ 8.24 on Audible. This book is also available on various platform such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Google Books

Link of Ebook : The Art of Happiness


In conclusion, “The Art of Happiness” is a comprehensive and inspiring guide to achieving true happiness and inner peace in life. The book draws on the wisdom of the Dalai Lama and the latest scientific research in the field, providing practical advice and exercises for cultivating positive emotions, overcoming negative ones, and finding meaning and purpose in our lives. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety and depression, or simply looking to cultivate more happiness and fulfillment in your daily life, “The Art of Happiness” is a must-read.


Who is the target audience for “The Art of Happiness”?

“The Art of Happiness” is suitable for anyone who is interested in achieving greater happiness and inner peace in life

Is “The Art of Happiness” a religious book?

While “The Art of Happiness” draws on the teachings of Buddhism, it is not a religious book and is suitable for readers of all backgrounds and beliefs

How can I apply the principles of “The Art of Happiness” to my own life?

The book provides practical exercises and advice for cultivating positive emotions, overcoming negative ones, and finding meaning and purpose in your life

Is “The Art of Happiness” backed by scientific research?

Yes, the book draws on the latest scientific research in the field of positive psychology and is supported by numerous studies and findings

What is the main message of “The Art of Happiness”?

The main message of “The Art of Happiness” is that true happiness comes from within, and that it is possible to cultivate a sense of inner peace and joy regardless of external circumstances